Get to know history of our company
It started in Wadowice… In 1953, Krakowskie Zakłady Jajczarskie in Wadowice was established, which in 1958 was moved to Tomice to give rise to the company we know today.
From 1968, the plant operated dynamically under the name of Krakowskie Zakłady Drobiarskie – Zakład Jajczorsko-Drobiarski in Wadowice-Tomice. Then the slaughter of chicken was introduced.
In 1974, the plant already had 200 employees.
In 1975, as part of the administrative reform of the country, Krakowskie Zakłady Drobiarskie changed its name to Śląskie Zakłady Drobiarskie in Chorzów, where the main management of the company was located.
In 1975, in some months, the slaughter of chicken was about 25.000 per day, and the processing of eggs was up to 0,5 milion (monthly).
In December 1978, the 20th anniversary of the plant was celebrated, during which the production director, Boryczko, awarded 32 people for long-term work.

It’s 1980, 75% of the plant’s employees join NSZZ ”Solidarity”, 25 % remain in the NSZZ Food Industry Employees. At that time, the plant had 250 employees. In 1981, all trade unions were suspended after the declaration of martial law.
In 1982, egg processing reached 49 131 957 psc.
1983 is marked by the struggle with the lack of raw materials on the markets(mainly feed), but also at that time the plant is modernized. As a result of job cuts , 193 employees remain employed in the plant.
1985 – further modernization of the plant and expansion of it with new warehouses.
In 1994, the plant was leased by the company of Jacek Domogała and was given the name ”Slaughter house Jacek Domogała”. The company employed 180 people.
In 1995, joint-stock company was established under the name ”Zakłady Mięsne BRADO-2” S.A. Adam Toborek becomes the president.
In 1996, Śląskie Zakłady Drobiarskie agree to sell the plant in Tomice to Zakłady Mięsne ”BRADO-2” S.A. with its registered officer (company) in Orzesze.
In 2004, Mr. Dariusz Owczarek acquires 50 % of the shares.
In the years, 2006-2008, new production halls are built, that meet the standarts of the European Union.

In 2008, we received permission to export goods to European countries. This year, the plant also received an approval from the District Veterinary Officer in Wadowice.
In 2008, Gerard Franica and his wife acquire another 50 % of shares.

In 2010, Adam Socha became the president.
Obtaining a permit from the Chief Veterinary Officer for export to Third Countries.

In the years 2017-2018, modern freezers and high bay warehouse are built along with freezers for shock freezing.

In 2018, Mr. And Mrs. Franica transfer theirs shares to their daughter, Grażyna Franica-Socha.
In 2020, a new poultry cutting line is built, and in the next year – the modernization of the evisceration line.

Year 2022, modernization of the poultry unloading line and commencement of construction of another high-storage freezer and blast freezer with an area of 2000 m2.